Recovering Embedded Heat
in Zambian food production

Kupezamo ubwino ndi phindu mukathumidwe
pa zakupanga zakudya m’mafakitoli m’Zambia

Our project, REHEATZ (Recovering Embedded Heat in Zambian food production), aims to improve the economic and environmental sustainability of food production in Zambia by identifying opportunities to recycle waste heat from food production. We also aim to co-design waste heat recovery systems in consultation with Zambian stakeholders so that the energy costs and carbon emissions associated with water heating can be reduced. We hope that this will lead to reduced food costs and the improved long-term sustainability of food production in Zambia.

The project has emanated from research conducted with the financial support of Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) and Irish Aid under the SDG Challenge Grant Number 22/FIP/SDG/10682.